Increase morale with the Starmancer OST


What’s an ambitious A.I. to do? You work hard, managing your space station, babysitting mindless meatbags who eat their own waste and get into fights. Exhausting.

Keep your circuits buzzing and your LEDs bright with the Starmancer Original Soundtrack from Dirk Kluesing!

Featuring 12 tracks that combine the eerie emptiness of space with the swelling excitement of travelling among the stars. The days of watching your colonists sleep for entertainment are over.

Activate the warpdrive and explore a new solar system with “Nebula”. Organise your troops and fend off relentless space zombies to the invigorating “Breach”. Or develop an impressive network of machinery to the enrapturing “Daydreams of a Colonist”. There’s a song for every mood.

Load up the trade pod and save up that Zipher - the Starmancer OST launches today!

Check it out and grab your copy here.