Version 0.1.43 Patch Notes — Starmancer

Version 0.1.43 Patch Notes

Starmancer Early Access 0.1.43 was a patch released on Steam, Humble, GoG, and the Microsoft store 20 August 2021.

  • Doors can now be visually unpowered and also openable (adjusted the animations)

  • Fixed some door issues, like colonists walking through closed doors

  • Moving airlocks to a wall will no longer create an atmosphere leak

  • Added a cheat to spawn a zombie and a cuddler, this is for testing purposes, but you can do whatever you want with it

  • Zombies will now eat dead bodies

  • Added a cap of 30 monsters (cuddlers, zombies, slimes, power leeches). Technically it won't try to spawn a monster if there's 30, so groups of zombies could cause a higher count, but the highest zombie group is 3

  • Fixed a bug where items were sometimes very big

  • Walls can now be used with the context order system (so constructing and deconstructing)

  • Improved performance of lights. This fix will significantly increase performance when floors are affected by multiple light sources

  • Fixed search text values for many objects (the search bar in the build menu)

  • Fixed a bug where template components (from recipes and other things) were NOT ignored and were being added to entities (like the chem table). This was potentially quite bad and was causing lots of weird behavior. Possibly introduced in the newest Unity version?

  • Fixed a bug where wall vent connections didn't persist through loading (this probably affected other similar types of objects too)

  • Fixed a bug where items were never removed from planets after warping. This was causing memory leaks (but probably not very big ones)

  • Adjusted space rock crafting recipe so that only an oven and ore is required

  • Contracts are now removed when their system body is removed. This fixes a bug where loading will cause many asteroids to have quests (because those quests were never removed, so they're floating around, looking for a location)

  • Kat notification will now correctly appear after loading (there might be some instances where a message that you previously read is created again, depending on when you made the save)

  • Colonist upgrade choices are now saved

  • Programming terminal will no longer request biomass

  • Increased priority of storage bins so that they'll always be stocked first (the priority is 99)

  • Items in storage bins will no longer be sold at trade pods

  • Added sounds to a few UI buttons that were lacking them

  • Colonists now display "dead" as their status if they're dead

  • Colonists and items will no longer be repositioned into doors or airlocks and items abandoned in airlocks will be repositioned

  • Fixed a bug where queueing a command while a colonist isn't interruptible (inside an airlock) would cause the command to never be invoked.