
Brief Instructions

Greetings fellow Chefs!

You only need to provide 3 things: a recipe name, description, and a list of ingredients. Don't worry about cooking time, morale impact, or any other balancing issues.

Then, write everything down in your survey question on BackerKit.
It should look something like this:

Name: Fried Squid Tentacles
Ingredients: Squid, Wheat, Veg. oil
Description: "Inkredibly delicious"
Cooking Ingredients

More Info


Feel free to personalize it, like Mom's Spaghetti, Lecter's Special or Deep Space Grub.

  • Max 22 characters
  • No copyrighted names
  • Regular English alphabet only

Your name can still be in another language, as long as it's easy to pronounce in English and doesn't use special characters.



Choose ingredients from the ones listed above.
Try to keep it simple, if your recipe only needs a dab of oil or cheese for grating, consider skipping it. 

  • Choose 1-6 ingredients
  • Do not use the same ingredient twice

If your recipe is a soup, you should add water.
You don't need to include water if it's only for boiling.
Veg. oil should be added for anything deep-fried.



The description is just for a bit of extra flavor.
Keep it short and simple, for example:

"An old family recipe, passed down through generations"
"100% gluten free"
"Highly nutritious but tastes like grass clippings, yuck!" 
  • Max 80 characters
  • Regular English alphabet only

That's all. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us on Discord or send us an Email.